
"Black is very slimming. That's why I chose it as my official blog color."
- EmCat

Thursday, March 18, 2010

What I Ate Day 24 and I'm a Lazy You Know What

On Monday I woke up at 7:45am and felt like I had been run over by a train so I didn't go to the gym.

On Tuesday I woke up at 6:45am and felt like I had been run over by a large boulder (you know the kind in the cartoons) so I hung out with my baby and watched Sesame Street and didn't go to the gym.

On Wednesday I woke up at 7:13am and felt like I had been run over by a rolling piano so I got my baby some milk and we laid in bed annoying Robbie until he finally gave in and woke up...oh and I didn't go to the gym.

Today I woke up at 6:32am and felt like I had been run over by a semi truck filled with livestock so I got up and gave little J breakfast while we talked to grandma on the TV Remote (It's amazing how far technology has come)...yeah and I didn't go to the gym.

In a nutshell - I've been lazy this week and haven't gone to the gym at.ALL. I'll get out of my lazy funk soon. Hey at least I kept within my calories!

Here's what I ate Day 24:


2 Slices Low Cal Whole Grain Bread - 160 Calories
1T Almond Butter - 90 Calories

Total Breakfast: 250 Calories


Luna Bar - 180 Calories

Total Snack: 180 Calories


Cafe Rio Grilled Chicken Taco (Whole Wheat Tortilla (80), Lettuce(2), Pico (10), Grilled Chicken (50), Cheese(40)) - 182 Calories

Rice & Black Beans - 134 Calories

Total Lunch: 316 Calories


1tsp Almond Butter - 30 Calories
1 1/2 Wasa Crackers - 68 Calories

Total Snack: 98 Calories


1/2 Cup Brown Rice - 110 Calories
Sweet & Sour Pork Stir Fry - 275 Calories

Total Dinner: 385 Calories


Skinny Cow Ice Cream - 140 Calories

Total Snack: 140 Calories

Total Calories for Day 24: 1369
Total Water for Day 24: 100 oz


Stephanie said...

There's always tomorrow!

Haley said...

Hah! I tell Jason I feel like I got run over by a truck almost every morning. And I really feel that way. Why can't I be one of those morning people?

naomi3 said...

Hey girl! You are doing so good! I wish I had that kind of will power! I DON'T! Keep up the good work!

Have you checked out Garrett's website?