
"Black is very slimming. That's why I chose it as my official blog color."
- EmCat

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

What I ate (uhhhh...I'm losing track of the number)...Um...What I Ate Yesterday and Glimmers of Hope

There have been a few glimmers of hope in these past few weeks. I feel like it's really starting to show. I used to get wolf whistles from every Mexican guy in So. Cal. You know, before the pounds started packing on. Well just the other day as I was walking through a parking lot one says to me, "Well hello...what's your name?" It could be that it was the only phrase he knew in English, that's the phrase most Latinos learn first in English, but I'd like to think that the "Glow" has finally returned. You know the one I'm talking about. The one where when you lose enough weight for it to show a little, and you're so excited about it that even though people don't notice your weight loss, they notice your excitement and beauty.

I have to say that I'm so happy that I'm down almost 14lbs. I feel more comfortable with my body and truly feel like I'm glowing with beauty and happiness. When I look in the mirror in the morning I can see the changes, even though others can't and it makes me walk out that door with the confidence to hold my head up high.

I was at one of my accounts the other day and a customer needed help and all of the employees were busy. I took charge and half way through my helping her, she stopped and said, "What can I do to get that glow? I mean your skin is fantastic." I hooked her up with this collagen/amino acid formula that I've been taking, but secretly I knew that it had mostly to do with my confidence.

So let's give three cheers for loving ourselves enough to make changes. Here's to loving ourselves from the inside out and letting it shine through our countenances!! (Can you tell I re-read this post?)

Here's what I ate yesterday:

8oz Skim Milk - 90
1 Scoop Whey Protein - 95
1 Sm. Banana - 90
Total Breakfast: 275

1 Slice of Low-Fat MultiGrain Bread - 80
1 T Almond Butter - 90
Total Snack: 170

Roasted Chicken Breast Subway w/ Avocado - 370
Apple Slices - 35
Total Lunch: 405

String Cheese - 80
Apple - 90
Total Snack: 170

Grilled Chicken Cafe Rio Salad (No Rice, No Beans, Vinaigrette Dressing, Whole Wheat Tortilla) - 400
Total Dinner: 400

Skinny Cow - 140
Total Snack: 140

Total Calories: 1560 (Shouldn't have had the Skinny Cow)
Water: 100 oz
Exercise: Weights/Cardio


k8theriver said...

i want to know your skin care products. (that's easier than losing weight.)
email me your address.

Shana said...

I can't wait to feel that way again. YOU GO GIRL!!!

mcwally said...

I wanted to tell you on Sunday.... but you look fantastic. I can totally tell you've lost weight! I saw you across the way at church. WAY TO GO!

You have always looked beautiful - but, you certainly look fit and well!!