
"Black is very slimming. That's why I chose it as my official blog color."
- EmCat

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

I'm going to be Blog-Lazy this week.

It has been no picnic trying to be a single mom to two boys! It's been a week since Robbie's surgery and boy am I tired! Robbie can't pick up J or help me around the house, though he does as much as he can. I feel exhausted by the end of the day and the last thing I want to do is sit down and think of all the things I've eaten over the past couple of days. I'm sticking to my goals and definitely staying between 14-1600 calories per day - no change there. I'll keep you posted on my successes and failures throughout the week.

I may not do much with weights this week since I need to take little J on my workouts with me. We usually take an hour long walk around the neighborhood. I love them because we see rabbits and wild chickens and lots and lots of doggies. Plus we get to see the sun come up and what a sight that is! J LOVES to go out in the morning. Once he had his morning drink of milk he goes to the door and says "Ba Ba" (aka Bye Bye). My heart melts and I can't help but get him all bundled up and ready for a ride in the stroller.

Anyhoo...keep comin' back for those updates, but don't worry about being bored to tears by reading what I've eaten. :-)

Em-Cat (meow!)


Melissa said...

You should use J as your weights. I'm sure there are lots of exercises you can do lifting him.

Evaly said...

I'm so proud of you! It's hard to take of yourself whenyou are taking care of everyone else. I hope rob's surgery went well and he'll be feeling better soon