
"Black is very slimming. That's why I chose it as my official blog color."
- EmCat

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

What I Ate Day 3...And Looking Inward

By the end of today I felt like I was ready to jump off the wagon - hence the post below. Up until this point it hasn't been too difficult, but today, for some reason, I just felt like I didn't want to try so hard. The reality is, I'm always going to have to try hard. I can't, for one minute, lose my focus - even when I'm at my goal weight. That's just how I'm built. And you know what? It's an exhausting thought.

Every once in a while I begin to feel sorry for myself. Why can't I be like those women who don't have to worry about their calories, who can just eat what they want as long as they maintain their active lifestyle? I get so tired thinking that this is going to be a life-long struggle. Am I just lazy? Maybe. But I think it goes a lot deeper than that. I'm really going to try to figure it out. I guess that's the real reason I started this blog - to dig deeper, to find out the real reason I turn to food in times of depression, anxiety, joy, comfort. A big hearty thank you to all of you who have commented up until this point. It's going to be a long journey and I hope you can all stick with me throughout.


Okay - here's what I ate today:


8oz Rice Milk – 120 Calories
1 Scoop Vanilla Protein – 95 Calories

Total Breakfast: 215 Calories


1 Banana – 90 Calories
1 String Cheese – 80 Calories

Total Snack: 170 Calories


Greek Salad with Chicken Breast – 550 Calories
Whole Grain Role – 240 Calories

Total Lunch: 790 Calories


6 Inch Grilled Chicken Breast Subway on Wheat Bread, Just Mustard (no mayo) and Avocado Added. – 320 Calories
Apple Slices – 35 Calories
1.5 Tsp Almond Butter – 45 Calories

Dinner Total: 400 Calories


8oz Rice Milk – 120 Calories
1 Scoop Vanilla Protein – 95 Calories

Total Snack: 215 Calories

Total Calories for Day 3: 1790
(Thanks Betsy for the suggestion to go on to fat2fitradio.com to check out how many calories I should be eating in a day in comparison with my weight and other factors. After checking it out, I think I'm going to stick with around 1800 Calories per day. With my activitiy level, I think that's what I should shoot for to healthily lose poundage.)

This Morning's WorkOut: Elliptication (Cecily that was for you), and cyclation (I just made up that one too...not as fun as elliptication though).


naomi3 said...

You can than Justin Grover for our weight problems! He and mom both struggled with this. I'm struggling as well. I know if you don't have variety in your eating you get bored, and all the convenance foods are fattening! It just sucks! Everything that tastes good is bad for you. I'm right there with you babe! I cannot loose weight to save my soul! There is a ton of info out there as to how many calories a person needs to eat. Which one do you believe!

Haley said...

Em, I count calories too. It's the only way to go. It's kind of fun because it works. It's nice to know that if you keep track of everything and stay within your allotment, you will almost always loose weight. I'm right there with you about why can't we be those people who don't have to worry about weight. I've had to worry and watch what I eat since I was a teenager. It's not fun and not fair, but it's who we are and there's no changing it. You will be healthier than even the skinniest girls out there by eating healthy foods and exercising. Being skinny does not necessarily equal being healthy. But you will be both! You go girl!!!

Betsy Hite Reddoch said...

You're welcome!

Stephanie said...

try the stairmaster (the one like an escalator) It gives you such a great workout! I do that way more than elliptical now! I feel so good after sweating a ton and the elliptical doesn't make me sweat as much. :-)

I am not a calorie counter...I started to watch my portion size and obviously cut out the junk and then started exercising regularly and the weight started coming off...I'm totally lazy and that was teh easiet way for me!

k8theriver said...

i am one of those women you are talking about but i think to myself, "why can't i be like those women who..." we all have things we need to work on.

update: i went up one pound then down two.