
"Black is very slimming. That's why I chose it as my official blog color."
- EmCat

Monday, June 21, 2010

Off the Wagon

Yes...I've fallen off the weightloss wagon as of late. I really have a good excuse though. No - REALLY I do.

The G-Fam is multiplying! Yes that's right. I have a little munchkin growing inside of me. No - it isn't a parasite. Em-Cat is PREGNANT! Exciting, but still - what the? I was just getting going with the whole weighloss thing and now Heavenly Father decides to bless us with a little bundle of joy? I guess our bodies aren't really ours during our child bearing years!

I'm so excited to welcome this baby into the world. I'm definitely not sure how I'm going to handle two kids when I can barely handle one, but it will be a new, fun challenge.

Don't worry - this isn't the end of Em-Cat's "Reality Bites." I'm going to watch my diet while pregnant. I had gestational diabetes with J and I really don't want to get it again. I've really got to be diligent. I'm not going to post what I've eaten, but I'll give periodic updates on how I'm doing and maybe post some healthy recipes that make me happy.

Thanks to all of you for your patience. I hope you won't leave me in the dust, because after baby #2 comes I'm going to need your cheerleading skills to help me start losing the weight once more.

Love you all!



Betsy Hite Reddoch said...

A big congrats! How far along are you? So fun!

Em-Cat said...

13 Weeks and Counting!

Evaly said...

YAY!!! Congratulations!

Ann Summerville said...

I stopped by your blog today. Congrats. I laughed at your comment about black being slimming.
Less of Me

k8theriver said...

good girl. way to update.

Scott and Amy said...

congrats!!!! love ya!